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8 Japanese Anti-Aging Secrets That We All Need to Know in 2023

Japanese women have skin that defies time. Their eternally youthful skin is an object of envy amongst all women. The smooth, porcelain, wrinkle-free skin is a product of intense skincare. These routines do not consume too much time or resources and can be carried out even on a budget.

Thus, anybody can improve their skin complexion and texture if they wish to do so! Just remember to follow the skincare routine regularly and you will be blessed with younger skin.

8 Japanese Anti-Aging Secrets Revealed

If you are looking for tips to achieve age-defying skin, then here are some Japanese anti-aging secrets that you need to know in 2023 and that will definitely change your life.

A Balanced Diet

A Balanced Diet

The Japanese skincare regime begins with treating your skin with love and respect. Your skin needs to be nourished internally even before you commence working on the outside. If you would have noticed, the Japanese diet mainly consists of fish and vegetables more than sugary products.

Scientific studies have shown the direct correlation between sugar consumption and the damage caused to the collagen, a protein that makes skin look firmer.

Women (and men!) in Japan also tend to prefer seafood that is rich in omega acids and vitamins. At the end of the day, “You are what you Eat”.

Hydration, Hydration, and More Hydration

Hydration, Hydration, and More Hydration

Drinking water to keep the skin hydrated also features highly in the Japanese skincare routine. Water detoxifies the skin and keeps the skin supple.

Japanese women start their day with a cup of green tea, which is a well-known antioxidant. The polyphenols present in green tea contribute towards a younger skin by fighting free radicals and protecting the skin from skin cancer and sun damage.

Green tea is also applied topically to certain areas for treatment.

Check these recommended green tea brands you can buy online:

Regular Massages

Face massage

Japanese women have always known and understood the importance of massages.

Their daily morning skincare ritual begins with gently washing the face with warm water followed by patting the forehead and cheeks in an upward motion. The patting improves blood circulation to the skin.

Moreover, even when it comes to applying beauty products, they massage it into their skin, again in the upward direction, rather than just slapping it on.

Using a face roller it’s not just a prerogative for Koreans but also for Japanese women: have a look at our list of the best face rollers to use daily.

Rice Water

Rice Water

Rice is not just a staple when it comes to diet but is also a key ingredient in Japanese skincare regimes. The leftover water after boiling rice is a rich source of gamma-oryzanol, a compound that boosts collagen production. This water is used for skin toning and even in sheet masks.

Using rice water in skincare is not a recent discovery; in fact, it is an ancient tradition dating back to Geishas using this technique to maintain youthful skin.

Rice water is available everywhere in Japan but you can actually make your homemade Japanese Rice Face Toner and Mask using this recipe:

  1. Place one cup of rice in two cups of cold water and leave to soak for 20 minutes;
  2. Drain the water and put it in a bottle. Put the rice aside;
  3. Soak a cotton pad in the rice water and gently apply over the skin;
    Repeat every morning and evening.
  4. If you want to make your own rice mask, just soak a strong paper towel in the rice water and apply over the face, leaving it for 20 minutes.

Exploiting Nature’s Bounty

Exploiting Nature’s Bounty

Japanese women prefer natural and organic products over those that contain harsh chemicals. They try to use natural products as much as possible. For example, the Camellia oil, which is used to remove makeup and used as a skin cleanser, has anti-aging properties.

Alcohol-based products are known to strip the skin of its natural oils and that’s why are usually avoided.

There’s also a word used to describe closeness to nature: it’s Shinrinyoku that translates as ‘forest bath’ and it refers to taking a walk in the forest for its restorative and therapeutic benefits

Read Also: The best Japanese products to buy in 2023

Steam Baths

Steam Baths

While a shower may sound convenient, Japanese women indulge in long, hot baths.

Steam baths are fairly common in Japan, especially before bed. The steam cleanses the skin and unclogs the pores, preventing any breakouts. Add a couple of drops of essential oils and the experience will be heavenly. Stress is one of the leading causes of wrinkles and a soothing bath will definitely relax the body, eliminating any stress.

Check out our selection of the best Japanese bath salts:

Face Masks

Face Masks

Interestingly, in ancient times, the Geishas would dampen their silk kimonos with essential flower water and rest it on their face. This gave the birth to the modern-day sheet mask. Japanese face masks are in a rage all over the West. For an anti-aging effect, find one that contains collagen and skin tightening properties. Applying a face mask at least once a month will aid in making your skin look younger.

Check out our selection of the best Japanese face masks you can buy online:

Read More: The Best Japanese Sheet Masks of 2023



Collagen is a not-so-secret weapon and it’s one of the main supplements that is used by Japanese women. The more we age, the more our skin looses its firmness because of the loss of the collagen. Collagen supplements are used to reinforce skin’s strength and make it firmer, replenishing the areas where it’s missing. Collagen is also applied topically for a more effective result.

Check out our selection of the best Japanese collagen supplements:

Read More: The Best Japanese collagen supplements of 2023

Check out our selection of the best collagen-based Japanese products:

Bonus: Skin Fasting

Japanese are known for their “less is more” approach to basically everything. This also applies to beauty. In fact, periodically women skip wearing makeup and using beauty products except for a gentle cleanser in order to give skin the chance to breathe. Also, the Japanese skincare routine doesn’t make the use of a plethora of beauty products mandatory (that’s what Korean skincare requires) so you can easily skip using one or more products if you feel that you don’t need them.

Japanese Anti-Aging Secrets: are you ready?

If you start following this advice, your skin will rejuvenate and even if you won’t be able to stop the clock, you can benefit from it and give your skin the attention it deserves.